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Chicago, Illinois, United States
just picking up where i left off years ago. read along, and you'll find out :D

Friday, August 17, 2007

missing ya'll prefects

please tuck in ur shirt
please wear ur nametag
please pull up ur necktie
please wear proper shoes and not sneakers to sch
please do not spike up your hair or u'll get a personal hair job from c. jamal
please cut ur nails (they're frickin long wei!)
please ____, ____ and ____
SPOT CHECKS! (my personal fav :p... sue me)

were what we prefects were taught and trained to say and do. pretty lame isn't it, saying these things almost every single day and knowing that them students won't bother listening... you guys agree? well, all i can say is 'duty calls'.

so far, my BEST moments in which some would call a 'lousy' high/secondary school of mine, was when i was chosen as a prefect. not that i love doing all those duties and wadever crap them 'upper people' throw at us, but its the fact that you are amongst peers and buddies who go thru the same prejudice and insults thrown at us when we step into the life of a prefect (which is so damned true, agree?

definitely, i would say that i became a prefect, it was pretty clear to me who my real friends were after that. there are friends who throw insults at you saying "you think u so 'kiang' ah become prefect? come write my name la! u think i scared?" (which was once thrown at me after JUST ONE friendly, yes friendly warning to keep quiet during assembly) and there are friends who actually to stand by you when YOUR duty calls and you HAVE to choose duty over your friends. nonprefect friends who understand = rare. friends who totally understand = ALL prefects.

see? this instinctively makes us prefects a family of friends who understand each other. this answers those people who always ask "why those prefects always cluster around together one ah? wanna show who's boss is it?" i've always wanted to explain this to my nonprefect friends who are ALWAYS suspicious of me in getting telling them off or they act like they dont want me around anymore just cause i'm wearing the red necktie and blue blazer. but they always shove me off and ignore whenever i want to explain. it hurts but hey, i'm thinking "if u dont want me around, fine. and if u dont wanna get in trouble, then DONT give me a reason to tell you off! it's as simple as that."

some people would say, "REAL friends wouldn't tell other friends off"
and i'm thinking, "WHAT THE HELL? i'm a PREFECT! and you're forcing this shit on me, making me choose when being a prefect means so much to me. YOU dont sound like a real friend to me"
oh well, things that we just have to go thru every once in a while.

and who are those who stay by you and make you feel a lot better? FELLOW PREFECTS! thats why i love you guys!

you guys were always there for me whenver i'm down abt all these things and always passing the encouragement and support around each other just so that we could live through high school as peaceful as it gets. a may also add that i've also learnt so much from working together with all of you and making a hell out of a noise of laughter whenever i hang with you guys.

but then, graduation comes and we're all gonna be going our own ways and hopefully we'll meet up again end of this year, december. wth, we MUST meet up! but still, graduation was loaded with fun tho.

remember whenever Afiq shouts at us, asking, "WHAT'S OUR MOTTO?" ( a motto that makes me brim with pride as a prefect whenever i shout it out loud with you guys)