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Chicago, Illinois, United States
just picking up where i left off years ago. read along, and you'll find out :D

Sunday, May 31, 2009

choc lamb massacre

me went, me saw, me likey!

Uncle Yew Tiong Hu came back from Melbourne and gave each family of his Church Cell Group a box of…

DSC00267Why the Lamb?

and why is it half eaten?
because my bugger of a younger brother, Mark ATE the damn lamb before i could even take a picture of it!

DSC00268and mom was laughing at how Mark ate the head and ass of the lamb and left the rest to me.
sheeesh lol
but really, that piece of choc was chocolate sculptured into a complete likeness of a lamb. the details were very well done on all sides. even the grass had details to it heh

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